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Rural Ride Share/ Ride Hail Survey

How often do you currently need transportation in a week?

How often do you currently need transportation in a week?
1-2 times
3-5 times
6-10 times
More than 10 times

What is your primary mode of transportation right now?

What is your primary mode of transportation right now?
Personal vehicle
Public transportation
Rides from friends/family
Other (please specify)

How reliable is your current mode of transportation?

How reliable is your current mode of transportation?
Very reliable
Somewhat reliable
Somewhat unreliable
Very unreliable

What are your biggest challenges with transportation in your area?

What are your biggest challenges with transportation in your area?
Distance to transportation
Accessibility for disabled or elderly
Other (please specify)

How often would you use a ride share service if it were available in your area?

How often would you use a ride share service if it were available in your area?
A few times a week
Once a week
A few times a month

What times of day are you most likely to need a ride share service? (Select all that apply)

What times of day are you most likely to need a ride share service? (Select all that apply)

For what purposes would you primarily use a ride share service? (Select all that apply)

For what purposes would you primarily use a ride share service? (Select all that apply)

Would you prefer a ride share service that allows you to schedule rides in advance?

Would you prefer a ride share service that allows you to schedule rides in advance?
Maybe, depending on the situation

Would you be interested in carpooling with other riders going to a similar destination to reduce costs?

Would you be interested in carpooling with other riders going to a similar destination to reduce costs?

Are there any specific areas or neighbourhoods you feel are under-served by transportation services?

Do you have any other suggestions or features you would like to see in a rural ride share program?

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